Sister Roselle Haas, rc, a Cenacle Sister, an experienced retreat presenter, spiritual director and liturgist has ministered at spiritual centers in various parts of the country. She has developed programs on images of God, discernment, styles of prayer, praying with scripture, prayer and personality, prayer beyond words, and self image. With degrees in the classic sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) she taught those subjects for about 20 years before moving on to full-time spiritual ministry. Additionally, she has a degree in pastoral ministry/spirituality, and is a certified spiritual director with additional certificates in group spiritual direction and directing the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola. She is currently on the staff of the Cenacle Retreat House in Houston, TX. As a Spiritual Director she pays special attention to life discernment issues.
A-12 Nurturing Faith Life in the Family (repeated in C-32) Faith is more than a set of beliefs, or rituals. It is process of building a relationship with the Divine, with a loving God. That relationship begins and is formed by our earliest relationships in the family home. This workshop will explore ways parents can nurture in their children a relationship with God, with Jesus, as well as ways in which parents may learn from their children about God.
C-34 Nurturing Faith Life in the Family (see above for workshop description)