Sister Digna Vela, IWBS, Director of Amor Meus Spirituality Center, is a spiritual director, a retreat and workshop presenter, Pastoral Institute instructor, and editor of Disciples on the Journey, a Lenten lectionary resource published by the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament. Sister Digna has a MA in theology from St. Mary University in San Antonio and a graduate certificate in spiritual direction and directed retreats from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, a Jesuit institution.
Workshop 4: Prayer: Our Personal Relationship with the Living God A primary goal of this workshop is to deepen one's understanding of the significance of prayer as an important means to encounter the living God and to deepen our love-relationship with him. Another goal is to describe and explain various ways to pray using Scripture as a means to encounter God in his living Word and to listen to and respond to him thus allowing God to convert and transform us into the person he has destined us to be from all eternity.