Kathy Hendricks is the National Catechetical Consultant for William H. Sadlier and a contributing writer for many of their programs. Kathy has experience in catechetical and pastoral ministry and offers talks and retreats across the country. She is a spiritual director and author of several books.
A-3 The Family: Foundation of Faith (Sponsored by William H. Sadlier)
As domestic church, the family carries out the six tasks of catechesis in informal and yet potent ways. By naming and recognizing these tasks, catechists affirm what families already do and offer ways to support and encourage growth of faith both within the home and beyond it.
B-16 Portals to Parents: Understanding, Supporting, and Reaching Out to Today's Families (Sponsored by William H. Sadlier)
Let’s get real about the stresses and strains in the lives of parents so that we can develop creative ways to interest, involve, and engage them in the life of the parish and to support their role in forming faith in their children.