Julie Fritsch holds a B.A. from the University of Notre Dame, a J.D. from Vanderbilt University and a certification in Health Care Ethics from the National Catholic Bioethics Center. She directs programs involving assistance to pregnant mothers, healing after abortion, and support for persons with disabilities. Julie is the director of the Pro-Life Activities office, which provides consultation and education on Catholic bioethics and assists with legislative advocacy.
A-8 End of Life Decisions: Ethical and Pastoral Perspectives This workshop will explore answers to common questions facing individuals and families at the end of life; particular focus will be given to advance directives, appropriate medical treatments at the end of life and issues of pastoral care for the dying and their families.
C-36 Exploring a Consistent Ethic of Life with Adolescent Strategies & Perspectives This workshop will explore new strategies for educating teens and young adults about pro-life issues in light of current cultural trends; particular emphasis will be given to questions of vocation, human dignity and perspectives on pro-life vs. social justice issues.