"I never thought I would be a good priest, so I never thought of it as a possibility. I grew up Catholic, but I struggled in junior high with my faith. It wasn’t until my freshman year, when I went through a Marian Consecration, which is a prayer where one offers their life to Mary, that I began to really pray. She introduced me to Jesus Christ, her Son, who truly loves me. He saved me from a low point in my life, “[because] the God of the mountain is the God of the valley” (Elevation Worship, “Graves into Gardens”). Bishop Gary Janak was my pastor at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory, and his “Yes!” to becoming a bishop inspired me to the priesthood. In prayer, I felt God say, “Be bold in obedience.” So, I went home and called the vocation director and now I'm in seminary! Thanks be to Jesus Christ, to His Blessed Virgin Mother Mary, and to His Chaste Foster-Father Joseph!