Gail Janecka is a Licensed Professional Counselor with Emmaus Center and is currently the school counselor at Nazareth Academy. Her work with students and families spans over 25 years in VISD, at Victoria College, and within the Diocese of Victoria. Gail and her husband are active parishioners of Holy Family Victoria.
B-25 Being a First Responder for Troubled Hearts Depression. Suicidal thoughts. Signs of abuse. Noticeable changes in behavior or attitude. Whether ministering to adults or children, encountering someone in crisis can be overwhelming as well as heart-breaking. In this workshop, learn to recognize the signs of persons in crisis, and learn the important steps you can take to connect others to potentially life-saving resources.
C-35 Remember to Put on Your Oxygen Mask First with V. Dubourdieu
Whether it’s taking care of family or loved ones or those entrusted to us through ministry, prioritizing our own
self-careis non-negotiable! Join counselors from the Emmaus Center as they explore strategies to promote proper self-care and balance in your own life, in order to bring forth
your best selfwhen ministering to others.