The Pastoral Institute is committed to making adult faith formation a high priority in the Diocese of Victoria by providing a solid curriculum of basic courses pertaining to the Catholic faith.
Understanding and living the Catholic faith is a life-long commitment. Each person is called to grow continually and to respond openly to Christ in his/her life.
The Pastoral Institute offers various courses on Scripture, Sacraments, Liturgy, Prayer and Spirituality, Morality, Trinity, and Ecclesiology (Church).
"Adult faith formation, by which people consciously grow in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer and study, must be the central task in [this] catechetical enterprise..."
- Our Hearts Were Burning (OHWB) 5, USCCB
The Pauline Writings and New Testament Letters Jan. 28, Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25 & Mar. 4, 2025 & Catholic Morality March 18, 20, 25, & April 1, 5, 6, 2025
Consists of 13 six-week courses (152 clock hours) offered in different centers in the diocese. Each course is for 6 weeks, two-hours per class (12 hours total). You must attend at least 4 classes per course to receive credit. See full description of courses in under Documents.
Catholic school religion teachers will receive credit hours based on their attendance (6 classes = 12 credit hours, 4 classes = 8 credit hours) as per Superintendent of Schools.
Two courses are offered per semester. Cost for each six-week course is $30 per person. Book fees vary per course.
A Continuing Education Program consists of on-going Scripture and theological courses for those who have completed the Extended Program or for other interested persons. There is a $30 fee for each Continuing Education program.
A class record is created for each person who attends the Pastoral Institute.
Certificates are issued for completed classes and noted on the individual's record.