* Not sure if you are due for Renewal or Re-Certification training? *
Please contact your local parish/school Safe Environment Coordinator.
Click "Coordinator Contact List" to access contact information for your local Safe Environment Coordinator if needed:
Site Administrator Contact List
1. There is a prompt to assist if you forgot your User ID and/or Password and need assistance. If you do not have an email or the email you originally submitted with your application is no longer active, please contact your local Safe Environment Coordinator for assistance. ** DO NOT re-enter a new background check/application! **
2. Once you have successfully logged on, your online application will appear. Please review it carefully and provide updates to any information if needed.
3. Review, read, and electronically sign/date all required fields, then proceed to Virtus Online Training.
4. Upon completion, you may logout.
5. Certificate of completion will be sent to email listed in application.
To access your VIRTUS account prior to receiving the automated email, please go to https://www.virtusonline.org/virtus/reg_2.cfm?theme=0&org=37417 and
log in as an existing user with user ID and/or email.
Please click on the following link to reset your password:
If during this process you have difficulty resetting your password, please contact the VIRTUS Helpdesk at helpdesk@virtus.org or at 888-847-8870.
Thank you for your time and talent as an employee and/or volunteer and thank you for your diligence in making our parishes, schools, and ultimately our communities a safer place for all of God’s children.