Each year on Holy Thursday, a collection is offered for the education of our future priests. Parishioners may give to this fund on Holy Thursday or any time throughout the year. The Diocese of Victoria currently has 12 men in formation at various seminaries in the United States. At an average annual cost of $35,000 per seminarian, this year the diocese will need approximately $420,000 to fund this important endeavor. With your continuous generosity, coupled with a bequest received several years ago, the diocese should be able to fund the cost of educating our seminarians without adding an additional amount to our Diocesan Services Appeal campaign.
Please help your parish and diocese educate our future priests. These men, we pray, will one day be ordained and will be serving us in our parishes.
THANK YOU you for supporting our Holy Thursday Collection for the Education of Our Diocesan Seminarians.
How to Share
It can be shared in bulletins and on parish websites by copying and pasting this link: https://vimeo.com/159123402. If you need assistance feel free to contact Janet Jones in the Communications Office at 361-573-0828, Ext. 2231.
How to Give
Please put your donations into your parish collection basket. If you wish to contribute but are unable to attend church services you can mail your check to your parish. Make checks payable to your parish with Education of Seminarians Fund in the memo line.