The Holy Father Pope Francis has proclaimed December 8, 2020 through December 8, 2021 as the YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH, in order to highlight the special role that St. Joseph has played in the fulfillment of salvation, how he was the tender foster-father and guardian of our Lord Jesus Christ and the faithful and most-chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary, and how since St. Joseph was the protector of the Holy Family, he is appropriately the patron and protector of the universal Church, which is the family of God.
Ite ad Ioseph (Latin for “Go to Joseph”) – These were the prophetic words of Pharaoh to the Egyptian people during the time of the great famine in the Old Testament, indicating to them that the patriarch Joseph would alleviate their need (Genesis 41:55). In these times of great turmoil in our world and in the Church, the Holy Father Pope Francis is also telling us to Ite ad Ioseph – “Go to Joseph.” This time, go to the humble carpenter of Nazareth, to St. Joseph the Foster-Father of Our Lord and the Spouse of the Holy Virgin, and he will intercede for us to God who will alleviate our needs.
In order to put into practice our Holy Father’s call to “Go to Joseph,” we celebrated a diocesan-wide consecration to St. Joseph on Saturday, May 1, 2021.There was a 33 day period of prayerful preparation beforehand, which began on March 30, 2021.
Click here for suggestions of other start dates for preparing for Consecration to St. Joseph
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