The Communications & Social Media Policy and Procedures of the Diocese of Victoria (DOV) are under the direction of the bishop of the DOV. The DOV views the internet as an important educational and evangelization tool. The content of electronic communication must not be at variance with the doctrinal and moral teaching of the Church. All communication by means of social media by Agents of the Church is a reflection on the entire diocese. Agents of the Church must understand the principles underlying these policies and procedures and apply them with the highest ethical and legal standards consistent with Catholic teachings and policies of the DOV. Click here for the Appendix which includes the DOV Social Media Release Form and the Style Guide: /appendix-communications-social-media.
The Diocese of Victoria Communications & Social Media Policy and Procedures was promulgated on June 29, 2018. The forms mentioned throughout the Communications & Social Media Policy and Procedures are located in the Appendix tab to the right on this page.