GENERAL MEETING: Meeting will be at the Our Lady of Victory School Cafeteria in Victoria. Meeting will start at 6:30 PM. Agenda items will include: Review the Calendar dates for 2018, preliminary plans for the Fall Awards Banquet and ....
GENERAL MEETING: Meeting will be at the Our Lady of Victory School Cafeteria in Victoria. Meeting will start at 6:30 PM. Agenda items will include: Review the Calendar dates for 2018 - 2019, review the Adult names submitted for the Adult Awards, finalize plans for the Fall Awards and ....
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT ADULT AWARDS RECEPIENTS: Every year at the Fall Awards Recognition the Adult Awards are presented. To receive an award, individuals must be recommended by someone other than themselves. If you know of someone who has done a lot of work for Catholic Scouting and has been an example for others to follow, please submit their names. These awards are open to Catholc and non-Catholc alike. Fill out the necessary forms and mail them to: Gary Rangnow 1401 N. Vine St. Victoria, Texas 77901 Or email the forms to by the August 24th deadline.