The annual Rosary Congress in the Diocese of Victoria is Oct. 1-8 this year. During those seven days, the rosary will be recited during Eucharistic adoration every hour somewhere in the diocese. Bishop Brendan Cahill has announced the 2023 intentions for the our diocese: 1. in reparation for the sins of bishops and priests; 2. in reparation for sins against the Holy Eucharist, and for an increase and awareness of the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist; 3. for the gift of peace, especially in Ukraine; and 4. for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life from our families. Each deanery is coordinating efforts to make sure that many parishes are involved in the prayerful intercession for our world and our families. Anyone who wants to participate should check with their church, or can visit the Parish Finder on the DOV website, Nationally, many dioceses are participating in the Rosary Congress again this year. In union with the Eucharistic Revival, this year’s congress will focus on the spiritual power of Eucharistic Adoration and the rosary. The name is being changed from the Diocesan Rosary Congress to the Eucharistic Rosary Congress. The national event officially begins Oct. 7 and continues through Oct. 13. Bishop Cahill suggested that one way to help celebrate the Rosary Congress is viewing the movie “Power in My Hands,” which offers a beautiful testimony of the Catholic faith and is available for public showing. ( Some copies are available through the DOV library, he said. As part of this year’s Rosary Congress, Bishop Cahill will celebrate the Mass for our Diocesan Feast at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory on Saturday, Oct. 7, at 10 a.m. (At the same Mass, Bishop Cahill will present the pontifical awards to people of our diocese who were bestowed special honors for their Christian service.) More information on the national movement for the Rosary Congress can be found at